Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Discribe my Idol

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hi I want to discribe my idol...
He was born Surabaya,28 December 1999 . He is handsome, tall , friendly , smart and all. He is good boy, his favorite idol is 5SOS , and BIGBANG . he's like to playing soccer , skate , taekwondo .he love to sing, as a manifestation of my singing talent, he was given the opportunity to play in MUSICAL Laskar Pelangi work of Mira Lesmana and directed by Riri Riza. he likes Turtle animal and cat, very fond of eating toast and cooking from  mother. his like colors is black , white and purple . he was like to playing fingering 

That is his Guitar

wassalamualaikum wr wb